Cultural Modeling/Curriculum Design

My intention in studying language brokering was not just to understand more about this fascinating, complex, and multi-dimensional language practice, or its effects, but to consider: how could the skills and competencies that are demanded by (and developed through) language brokering be better valued, validated, and built upon in school? In the “Cultural Modeling” tradition established by Carol Lee, I worked with a team of graduate students and teachers to design curriculum that connected everyday language skills with the academic literacies that are so valued in school. Our aim in this work is to provide practical and feasible ways for teachers to help students to expand their linguistic and cultural repertoires.

In the following video, Carol Lee discusses Cultural Modeling in relation to the Common Core:


(See also publications listed on the Language Brokering page)


Inmaculada García Sánchez and Marjorie Faulstich Orellana (Eds.) (Forthcoming, 2019). Everyday Learning: Leveraging Immigrant Youth Language and Culture in Schools. New York: Routledge.

Journal articles and book chapters

Jennifer Reynolds and Marjorie Faulstich Orellana. (Forthcoming). Transliteracy practices by youth in new immigrant communities. In García Sánchez, I. & Orellana, M.F. Everyday Learning: Leveraging Immigrant Youth Language and Culture in Schools. New York: Routledge.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Danny C. Martínez, Clifford H. Lee, and Elizabeth Montaño. (2012). Language as a tool in diverse forms of learning, Linguistics and Education, 23: 373-387.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Clifford Lee and Danny C. Martinez. (2011). More than just a hammer: Building linguistic toolkits. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 18 (2).

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana and Jacqui Dwarte. (2010). A different kind of head start: Response to the early literacy panel report. Educational Researcher, 39 (4): 295-300.
Paula Carbone and Marjorie Faulstich Orellana. (2010). Developing academic identities: Persuasive writing as a tool to strengthen emergent academic identities. Research in the Teaching of English, 44(3): 292-316.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Jennifer Reynolds and Danny Martínez. (2010). Re-mediating learning challenges through cultural modeling. In Handbook of Reading Disabilities Research.

Ramón Martínez, Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Mariana Pacheco and Paula Carbone. (2008). Found in translation: Connecting translating experiences to academic writing. Language Arts, 85(6): 421-431.

 Yvonne de la Peña and Marjorie Faulstich Orellana. (2008). An examination of Latino immigrant youths’ out-of-school technology practices. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional (Educational and School Psychology Journal), 11:71-82.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana and Jennifer Reynolds. (2008). Cultural Modeling: Leveraging bilingual skills for school paraphrasing tasks. Reading Research Quarterly, 43 (1): 48-65.

Lisa Dorner, Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, & Christine P. Li-Grining. (2007). “I helped my mom and it helped me:” Translating the skills of language brokers into improved standardized test scores. American Journal of Education, 113 (3).

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana. (2006). “Qué Dice Aquí?” Building on the translating experiences of immigrant youth for academic literacies. In Robert Jiménez and Valerie Pang (Eds.) Race, Ethnicity and Education. (pp. 115-132). Praeger Press.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana and H. Julia Eksner. (2006). Power in Cultural Modeling: Building on the bilingual language practices of immigrant youth in Germany and the United States. National Reading Conference Yearbook, 55, 224-234.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana and Kris Gutiérrez. (2006). What’s the problem, really? Constructing different genres. Research in the Teaching of English.

Kris Gutiérrez and Marjorie Faulstich Orellana. (2006). The “Problem” of English Learners: Constructing Genres of Difference. Research in the Teaching of English, 40 (4), 502-507.

Rosa Jiménez and Marjorie Faulstich Orellana. (2006) Journaling translations. California English Teacher.

Other publications and public commentaries:

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana and Ofelia García. (2014). Language brokering and translanguaging in school. Conversation currents, Language Arts, 91 (5): 386-392.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana.  (December 6, 2017). “A Different Kind of Word Gap.” Huffington Post.

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana. (August 25, 2011). “Valuing Both Breadth and Depth in Language Education.”

Marjorie Faulstich Orellana.  (August 17, 2011). “Bilingual Youth: The Language Demands of a Globalized Future.”